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是什么推动了流媒体用户粘性, and where is interactivity for sports fans watching live streams and using streaming apps? And what are the current challenges to delivering interactive sports streaming experiences?

Rick Allen,首席执行官, ViewLift, starts the discussion by questioning how various streaming experiences can be “substantiated and extended” based on single-screen and second-screen setups for live sporting events, 免费游戏, 和赌博. 他问研究部副总裁詹妮弗·肯特, Parks Associates, “What does your research suggest that sports fans and other consumers of streamed content are most looking for?”

Kent says that interactivity in streaming is still heavily centered on the second screen. 她说:“大多数单屏幕流媒体传输的内容并不多。. “智能手机的普及率非常高, so the companion apps are where we're seeing most familiarity and engagement, especially if there's anything with a revenue opportunity to click through or a buy at the end. There are experiences that are too complicated today from a user interface perspective to happen on the primary screen.”

然而, Kent notes that there are some useful interactive elements already happening on the primary screen, 尤其是在体育直播中. “The top activity that we're seeing…on the primary screen is jumping to an interactive timeline right in the stream,她说。. “所以一个进球或触地得分的亮点, 你可以移动到时间线上的那个地方. It sounds pretty simple but that's kind of where training the consumer to engage in these more interactive elements starts. So I think we're [in the] very early days, [but] there's appetite for it.”

Kent emphasizes that there have been positive experiences for first-screen interactive offerings compared to other interactive tech such as VR, which can widely vary in terms of usage difficulty and subjective user experience. But interactive timelines have led to positive word of mouth online, 鼓励更多用户尝试. “One good thing we're seeing is…people who have tried the interactive timeline and then say that they're very likely to use it in the future if their favorite video service offers it,她说。. “People who have tried it say, 'yeah, I think I'd like to use that in the future.因此,从消费者需求的角度来看,这是一个很好的指标.”

了解更多关于互动直播的信息 流媒体东部2023.

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