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来自CX平台的新报告 DISQO 调查消费者目前对广告支持的流媒体分级的感受. 他们的发现为……的意外增长提供了一个深刻的背景 网飞公司 订阅与 Amazon Prime的 有限广告投放, 和 it includes the surprising finding that only 13% of consumers oppose ad tiers in streaming, 这比2022年的36%有所下降.

The report investigates how consumers prefer to stream (bundles, MVPDs, vMVPDs, etc.), 他们对使用广告等级有多开放, 他们喜欢和不喜欢他们的地方, 他们的消费预期, 以及对核心代际人口差异的研究.

我和David Grabert谈过, DISQO品牌与传播副总裁, about specific elements of the report 和 its revealings about where consumers st和 today in a climate of increasing advertiser competition for consumers’ attention.

泰勒Nesler: What were some findings from the DISQO report that showed unanticipated results regarding how consumers feel about ad-supported streaming tiers?

大卫Grabert: 流媒体行业正处于一个转折点. Recessionary pressures 和 production costs have pushed more streaming platforms toward advertising revenue models. At the same time, competition for consumers’ attention 和 advertisers’ dollars is hotter than ever. One might expect the movement toward more ads in streaming to deter consumer enthusiasm, 但DISQO的研究表明,人们对广告支持的流媒体电视的接受度有所提高. 只有13%的消费者反对流媒体中的广告层,低于2022年的36%.

此外,许多人还没有尝试广告支持的等级. There is a large swath of “fence-sitting” consumers (37%) who are unsure whether they would subscribe to an ad tier for a discounted price. 考虑到它们的规模,亚马逊选择退出的做法可能会让一些公司脱离困境. Streaming br和s have an opportunity to encourage consumers to the ad-supported side with the right messaging 和 experiences, 特别是在当前的经济环境下,消费者仍然有成本意识.


最大的人口差异在于年龄. 年长的消费者比年轻的消费者更怀疑广告支持的等级. This likely speaks to streaming being the norm for younger consumers while it remains a newer option for some older consumers. There’s work to be done to convince older consumers of the value of ad-supported streaming. Steamers 和 their advertising br和s must cater to consumers with relevance 和/or ad formats that meet their br和 experience expectations.

Z世代分享流媒体账户的可能性是普通大众的两倍, 考虑到他们的收入较低,这并不奇怪. They’re also least likely to report not having a bundled subscription to linear channels - but not by much. vmvpd的崛起可能会进一步改变线性电视的游戏规则, 从掐线中挣脱出来的摇摆人群.

Are there any new insights into what consumers dislike the most about new ad-supported tiers, 以及如何充分解决这些问题?

Consumers are most worried about ad-supported tiers disrupting their streaming experience. 55%的受访者表示,他们总体上不喜欢广告, 哪一个比我们在2022年首次就同一主题对消费者进行调查时上升了10个百分点. Another 48% said they feel that streaming TV ads hinder their enjoyment of the shows they love.

Streamers 和 their advertisers should prioritize ad formats 和 content that complement or enhance the viewing experience. 另一个是平衡广告负荷和控制广告曝光频率. Our qualitative insights offer color as to how streamers can optimize streaming experiences: align ad 和 product content with the entertainment, 优先在节目前而不是中间放置广告, 并允许观众分享关于哪些广告与他们产生共鸣(或不产生共鸣)的反馈.

Staying ahead of the curve with ongoing testing 和 measurement is critical for the streaming space right now. 未能采用敏捷策略和内容方法可能会使消费者失去兴趣.

在广告支持的关卡中,消费者最喜欢哪些元素, 以及如何优化这些偏好?

广告层节省的成本是最吸引消费者的地方. Our Consumer Trends 2024 report found that the economy tops people’s lists of concerns. 另外, a third of consumers said they planned to spend less this year on TV 和 streaming overall. 折扣对注重成本的消费者来说意义重大. Highlighting the value of ad-supported tiers 和 bundled options is a good messaging strategy in 2024.

四分之一的消费者也习惯了娱乐节目中无处不在的广告. 但这并不意味着他们喜欢广告或广告支持的流媒体服务, it does mean that br和s focusing on smart targeting strategies 和 relevant creative experiences can have an outsized impact.

Is there any insight into what particular types of programming work best on ad tiers versus subscription tiers?

Consumers feel strongly that the ads they’re exposed to should align with the shows or movies they stream. They’re turned off by content that brings a different energy than what they signed up to watch - so much so that they may even stop buying from a misaligned br和. 

当被问及哪些因素使流媒体广告更容易被容忍时, 消费者说广告比传统电视少, 对AD内容的频率限制, 和个性化. 在必要时,人们希望内容和广告迎合他们的兴趣. A robust ad effectiveness measurement framework is necessary to underst和 what’s working 和 with whom.

Are there any emerging trends in how consumers prefer to stream (bundles, MVPDs, vMVPDs, etc.)?

总的来说,消费者更喜欢较小的、特定于类别的捆绑包,比如 迪斯尼+ESPN +,在个别渠道或更大的捆绑包. They want content that aligns with their interests versus having access to everything. 然而, a good portion of consumers (41%) did report having a multichannel linear TV subscription, 无论是通过传统供应商还是虚拟运营商.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Q&答:Adtaxi的莫里·沃诺夫说,流媒体电视的水平已经超过了美国市场的80%.S. 2024年的成年人

Adtaxi的一份新报告, 美国发展最快的数字营销机构之一, has revealed that more Americans than ever are now defaulting to streaming as their primary viewing content source. 聪聪Woronoff, 代理总监-市场研究和消费者洞察在Adtaxi, spoke with 流媒体's 泰勒Nesler about many specific aspects of the report 和 what the findings reveal about the current state of streaming as the industry continues to evolve rapidly.


里程碑式研究5,000名美国订户显示了广告的影响, 捆绑销售, 以及对美国订阅经济的密码共享打击

New Hub 研究 Findings: Old Shows Are New Again as Consumers Navigate Streamers 和 Strikes

This year's edition of Hub 研究's annual "Conquering Content" report confirms that audiences remain happy with their wealth of viewing choices, 尽管由于最近好莱坞的大罢工,新电影的制作推迟了. Almost two-thirds of viewers say their current favorite show is older 和 has existed for several seasons, 这一发现高于2021年的54%. Some critical moves that should be made now include improving programming discoverability 和 focusing on licensing 和 syndication.

华纳兄弟. 发现号宣布新的测量结果 & 归因合作伙伴为广告主提供广告活动效果洞察

全球媒体 & entertainment company welcomes six partners to demonstrate full-funnel impact of advertising campaigns across portfolio of premium entertainment, 体育, 新闻 & 生活方式品牌

Tubi在其年度报告中发布了关于流媒体电视趋势的新发现, 流2023:可操作的品牌受众洞察

Tubi的总观看时间增长了44%, Surpasses 5 Billion Streaming Hours in 2022 和 Reaches 64 Million Monthly Active Users